Professor Emily Larch
Affiliations: Brains d10, Brawn d6, Breeding d8
Distinctions: The Answer is Always There! Never Too Small Resourceful
Specialties: Science Master d10, Medical Expert d8, Tech Expert d8
Limit - Pokemon Trainer: Gain one Plot Point by shutting down any Pokemon’s power set. Recover on an Opportunity or Transition scene.
Flamethrower d8, Bite d6, Shadow Ball d8, Reflexes d6
SFX - Agility - Step up or Double highest die when creating speed-based assets or complications.
Limit - Fire-Type - Step up damaged caused by water or rock.
Pound d8, Stamina d10
SFX - Healing Wish - Step up or double highest die when aiding in recovery
SFX - Rest - Spend 1 PP to move your current Stress die to the Doom Pool
SFX - Sing - When creating Sleep complications, remove highest-rolling die and add three dice together. Spend 1pp to retain highest-rolling die.
Limit - Normal-Type - Step up damage caused by Fighting and Dark
Bubblebeam d8, Rapid Spin d6, Durability d8
SFX - Hard Shell - Spend a Plot Point to ignore Stress inflicted directly to the body
SFX - Versatile - Split any d8 Power into 2d6
SFX - Focus - Combine any two dice in your pool and replace with one die one step higher
Limit - Water-Type - Step up damage caused by Grass or Electric
Emily’s Pokemon
Vulpix -Brains d6, Brawn d4, Breeding d8
Mischevious Tendencies I Know I’m Cute
Audino - Brains d4, Brawn d8, Breeding d6
Helping Hands Everyone’s Best Friend
Squirtle -Brains d6, Brawn d8, Breeding d4
Must Stay Clean Middle Manager
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