Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rules Change - Affiliations

Sam: SO we all noticed today that the affiliations I came up with - Trainer, Breeder, Prof, weren't nearly as applicable as I thought they might be.  I've been thinking it over through the night, and I think I'd like to try out another take. Tentatively I want to change affiliations to Brains, Brawn, Breeding , and they'll apply to both human and pokemon character sheets. Brains being what you'll use for mental actions, Brawn for physical actions you undertake yourself, and Breeding for actions using your pokemon (or for a pokemon, using its element)
Emily, for instance, will probably be Brains d10, Brawn d6 and Breeding d8
Sam will retroactively change all NPC Affiliations, and PCs and their pokemon should be changed by next session

Episode One - Mystery of MissingNo - Part 3

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Character Sheet - Baby Rhydon

Baby Rhydon

Physical d10, Special d6, Speed d8

Strange New World                Instinctive Defenses               Just a Baby

Strength d8, Durability d10, Rock Slide d8 (summons rocks to fall)
SFX: Learning its Own Strength – Spend d6 or higher to step up or double Strength die, then step it back. Recover on an Opportunity or Transition scene.
SFX: Resilient – Spend d6 or higher from the doom pool to ignore Physical stress.
SFX: Horns and Claws – Against a single target, step up or double Strength die. Discard the highest-rolling die in your pool to add three dice together for your total.
Limit: Baby – Step up effect die of actions attempting to calm or soothe Rhydon.
Limit: Rock-type – step up damage inflicted by Water and Grass attacks.

Scene Datafile - Lights Out!

Scene: Blackout - 4d6
Pitch Dark,      No Time to Panic        Small Halls

Obscure d10,  Sense of Dread d8, Debris d6
SFX – Multiattack – add d6 and keep an effect die for each additional target
SFX – Disorienting – Step back the highest die in your pool and add d6 to step up mental stress inflicted
Limit –Mob Dice – defeat Blackout dice by inflicting d8 Effect to resolve the Blackout

Menace d8

Monday, August 5, 2013

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Character Sheet - Kyle Connors

 Kyle Connors
Brains d8, Brawn d6, Breeder d10

We’re a Couple of Misfits,  Wrong Side of Town, Relax - It'll Work Out

Covert Expert d8, Psych Rookie d6, Survival Expert d8

(Brains d8, Brawn d6, Breeding d4
Lonely on the Inside, Hyper Energetic)
Poison Fang d6, Scary Face d8, Speed d6
SFX – Most Annoying Critter – When inflicting Poisoned or Confused complications, add a d6 to your pool and step up your effect die.
Limit – Flying-type – Step Up damage caused by rock or electricity
Limit – Poison-Type – Step Up damage caused by Psychic and ground

MissingNo (Missy)
(Brains d4, Brawn d8, Breeding d6
Probably Gentle Giant, Unnervingly Unknowable)
Sky Dive d8, Water Gun d8, Confusion d8
SFX –  - Step up or double Water Gun. Remove the highest-rolling die and add three dice for your total.
SFX – Breaks the Rules – Add more than one power die to your pool. Step back each power die once for every power added beyond the first.
SFX – Warped Aura – For each additional target, add d6 to your pool and keep an extra effect die  
Limit – Growing Dread – Rolls of One and Two count as Opportunities
Limit – Bird Type – Step Up damage caused by Fighting and Fairy types.

That’s Where We Fit In
1xp when you show pity and attention to a person or pokemon who has been overlooked.
3xp when you create a resource or asset to aid your misfit, or push them to use their own skills and stand on their own feet.
10xp when you convince someone important of your misfit’s value, or when you accept that this one will need to stay in the shadows.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Character Sheet - Derek Raider

Derek Raider

Brains d10, Brawn d8, Breeding d6

To The Very Last Clue,  Knowledge is Power, Life's Too Short

Covert d8, Cosmopolitan d8, Business d8

Physical d8, Special d4, Speed d6
 Always the Quiet One, Fierce Loyalty
 Honed Claws d6, Reflexes d8, Shadow Ball d6
SFX - Faint Attack - Step up or double your highest die when attempting a deceptive move
SFX - Immunity - Spend a plot point to ignore damage from Psychic attacks
Limit - Dark Type - Step up damage inflicted by Fighting and Steel

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Character Sheet: Maya Walken

AFFILIATIONS:  Brains d8 Brawn d6 Breeding d4
DISTINCTIONS         d4 (+1 PP) or d8
Sassy, Brassy 'Tude
Gotta Work Somewhere

SPECIALTIES  (You may convert Expert d8 to 2d6, or Master d10 to 2d8 or 3d6)
Psych Rookie d8                Science Rookie d6              Tech Expert d8

Dues to Pay
1xp…when you take on an assignment or duty because your paycheck or college credits are on the line.
3xp…when you complete a task you find repellent or manage to get someone else to do it for you.
10xp…when you walk out on your current employer/team for a better offer, or you pass up a chance for better opportunities and help out one or more of your current team out of loyalty.
Questionable Ethics
1xp…when you name another character as a former romantic partner or reference some wild times you had.
3xp…when you help another character recover Mental or Emotional stress, or recover your own Emotional or Mental Stress by flirting, partying or socializing.
10xp…when you get serious with a romantic partner or break off a relationship to maintain your independence.

Character Sheet: Jim Colrado

(Subject to Change)

Jim Colorado

Affiliations: Brains d8, Brawn d6, Breeder d10

Distinctions: Fortune and Glory; Hello Baby; Who’s a Cute Little Pokemon

Specialties: Mystic Expert d8, Survival Master d10, Vehicle Expert d8, Wealthy d8

Limit – Pokemon Trainer: Gain one plot point by shutting down any Pokemon’s power set.
Recover on an Opportunity or Transition scene.

Golurk (Stark)
Brawn d8, Brains d6, Breeding d4
Subsonic Flight d8, Superhuman Durability d10, Normal Attack d8, Superhuman Strength d10
SFX – Ghostly Immunity – Use 1pp to ignore stress, trauma or complications from Normal and Fighting Attacks
Limit – Ghost Type – Step up damage caused by Ghost and Dark
Limit – Ground Type – Step up damage caused by Grass and Ice

Pachirisu (Flash)
Brawn d4, Brains d8, Breeding d6
Normal Attack d6, Electric Attack d10, Enhanced Reflexes d8
SFX – Rain Dance – Use 1pp to step up your own or another’s Electric die
SFX – Area Attack – Against multiple targets, for each additional target add a d6 and keep an additional effect die
Limit – Electric Type – Step up damage caused by Ground and Water

Each Pokemon to Understand
1xp – when I scan a specific Pokemon with my Pokedex for the first time
3xp – when I find a new Pokemon
10xp – when I capture a wild Legendary Pokemon or choose to let one go free

Ladies’ Man
1xp – when I flirt with a woman
3xp – when I let a female opponent win a Pokemon battle or I take a risk to try and impress a woman
10xp – when I finally choose someone to settle down with or swear off women for good

Jim’s Pokemon
Golurk – Physical d8, Special d6, Speed d4
Slow to Action Steady as a Rock

Pachirisu – Physical d4, Special d6, Speed d8
Curious About Everything Ooo, Shiny

Character Sheet: Emily's Team

Brains d8, Brawn d6, Breeding d10

My Day Will Come        Knowledge is Power

Science Expert d8, Tech Expert d8

Brains d4, Brawn d6, Breeding d8
Loyal Heart     Eyes Wide Open
Flight d8, Senses (Nightvision) d8, Sharp Beak d6
Limit: Flying-type - step up damage caused by rock and electricity

Brains d8, Brawn d6, Breeding d10

Gossipy Flirt        Well-Meaning

Wealth d8, Tech d8

Brains d8, Brawn d6, Breeding d4
Spoiled Housepet        Queen Bee

Bite d8, Scratch d8, Reflexes d6
SFX: Sucker-Punch: Remove the highest-rolling die in your pool to add d6 and step up physical stress inflicted.
Limit: Dark-type - Step up damage from Fighting and Bug

Character Sheet: Professor Emily Larch

Professor Emily Larch
Affiliations: Brains d10, Brawn d6, Breeding d8

Distinctions: The Answer is Always There!           Never Too Small        Resourceful

Specialties: Science Master d10, Medical Expert d8, Tech Expert d8

Limit - Pokemon Trainer: Gain one Plot Point by shutting down any Pokemon’s power set. Recover on an Opportunity or Transition scene.

Flamethrower d8, Bite d6, Shadow Ball d8, Reflexes d6
SFX - Agility - Step up or Double highest die when creating speed-based assets or complications.
Limit - Fire-Type - Step up damaged caused by water or rock.

Pound d8, Stamina d10
SFX - Healing Wish - Step up or double highest die when aiding in recovery
SFX - Rest - Spend 1 PP to move your current Stress die to the Doom Pool
SFX - Sing - When creating Sleep complications, remove highest-rolling die and add three dice together. Spend 1pp to retain highest-rolling die.
Limit - Normal-Type - Step up damage caused by Fighting and Dark

Bubblebeam d8, Rapid Spin d6, Durability d8
SFX - Hard Shell - Spend a Plot Point to ignore Stress inflicted directly to the body
SFX - Versatile - Split any d8 Power into 2d6
SFX - Focus - Combine any two dice in your pool and replace with one die one step higher
Limit - Water-Type - Step up damage caused by Grass or Electric

Emily’s Pokemon
Vulpix -Brains d6, Brawn d4, Breeding d8
Mischevious Tendencies        I Know I’m Cute

Audino - Brains d4, Brawn d8, Breeding d6
Helping Hands            Everyone’s Best Friend

Squirtle -Brains d6, Brawn d8, Breeding d4
Must Stay Clean        Middle Manager